College visual and performing art fair recap

By: Bekah Landers

Two weeks ago FC hosted a college fair that featured 28 colleges from around the area. This particular fair was for visual and performing arts. Anyone could audition for a panel of representatives from these colleges, and could also receive information about scholarships and collegiate art programs.

Most students who attended the art fair were very pleased with what there was to offer.

“A college I had heard of was really interested in me,” said Senior Katie Alvey

Alvey was also impressed with the array of colleges to choose from.

“We were contacted about hosting it [the art fair] this year and we were honored to considering there weren’t many locations hosting it this year and it was a great opportunity,” said counselor Kirk Hamsley.

Hamsley was the coordinator of this event.

Students who could not attend were very disappointed in missing the opportunity.

“I passed up this opportunity not knowing how beneficial it would have been for me. Being in AP music theory and playing guitar for ten years, this would have been a great opportunity to ask questions and better prepare myself for furthering my music career,” said junior Matthew Langdon.

The art fair was a good opportunity for visual and performing arts students to show off what they could do to colleges around the nation.

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