Tag Archives: anime

Otaku Club gathers various local teens

By Lauren Holstner

The New Albany/Floyd County Public Library hosted an Otaku (Japanese culture) club on Oct. 20.  From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. the library’s main meeting room was full of teens of all ages.  Some were cos-playing (dressing up as characters from animes or manga) as they were invited to, while others came simply as themselves.

Over 30 local teens from sixth grade and up appeared to make new friends and discuss anime, manga, and other Japanese entertainment forms.

Over the course of two hours people showed off their costumes, played anime trivia, and gathered in groups to talk.

Next month on Nov. 30, the club will meet again from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. on the bottom floor of the library.

Next month readers can also bring their favorite manga with them.  Many readers who love Japanese anime but do not know anything about manga could learn a lot.

“My favorite part is hanging out with people, making friends, and playing games,” said New Albany High School student Zelda Early.

Teens from NAHS and FC get together and make friends.  If readers are looking for a place to discuss all things Japanese then they can go to the Otaku Club, where all anime dreams can be voiced and no one is left out.