Category Archives: News

Meet the Candidate: Rick Santorum

By Eli Bolus

Candidate:  Rick Santorum

Political Party: Republican

Qualifications: Pennsylvania U.S. Representative, and U.S. Senate


Stance on Issues

Economy:  Create jobs by rolling back job killing laws, lowering taxes, and increasing innovation and entrepreneurship.

Energy: Decrease dependence on foreign oil by drilling in Alaska and other oil possibilities in America.

Education: Attempted to include the “Santorum Amendment” in No Child Left Behind; it was an attempt allow Intelligent design to be taught in public schools.

Environment:  Supported drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and Alaska and in 1999 he worked to strip the Energy Department of 65 million dollars tagged to solar energy research.

National Security: Recognize Iran as a serious threat and to combat Iran by working with Israel to determine the proper military response to stabilize the region.

Abortion:  Pro-life; wants to take funding from Planned Parenthood and birth control.

Immigration: Feels the strong influx is damaging to the nation and a strong advocate of former President George W. Bush’s U.S.-Mexico fence initiative and guest worker program.

Meet the candidates: Barack Obama

By Eli Bolus

Candidate:  Barack Obama

Political Party: Democrat

Qualifications: Former Senator from Illinois


Stance on Issues

Economy:  Wants to increase jobs and American manufacturing. Also supports small businesses with tax cuts and increased health care options for employees.

Energy:  Prevent more accidents, like the B.P. oil spill with increased regulations, and increase the use of alternate energy like wind and solar energy.

Education:  Reform No Child Left Behind, reduce teacher lay-offs and “out-educate” the rest of the world.

Environment:  Wants to improve air quality and clear skies by regulating mercury emmsions, which will save up to 17,000 lives each year.

National Security:  Bring the troops home while still working to defeat Al-Queda. He also supports our veterans with improved benefits and opportunities.

Abortion:  Pro-choice.

Immigration:  Secure the border, but also create a better amnesty program for illegal immigrants already living in the U.S.

Meet the Candidates: Newt Gingrich

By Eli Bolus

Graphic By Tony Briscoe

Candidate:  Newt Gingrich

Political Party: Republican

Qualifications: Former Speaker of the House


Stance on Issues

Economy: Basically wants to cut taxes, strengthen dollar, and create jobs by removing “obstacles” to job creation like the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Repealing the Dodd-Frank Law.

Energy:  Remove bureaucratic and legal obstacles that stop natural gas development and natural gas. Replace the Environmental Protection Agency, finance cleaner energy.

Education:  Like Mitt Romney, Gingrich wants to reduce the power of the federal Department of Education and  create merit pay for teachers.

Environment:  Supports lowering carbon emissions and conservative-based efforts.

National Security:  Use military force judiciously and clear with obtainable objectives: believes the U.S. must defeat radical Islamists in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Abortion:  Against abortion and supports de-funding Planned Parenthood.

Immigration:  Secure the border, reform visa program and allow amnesty for some who are here illegally.

Meet the candidates: Mitt Romney

By Eil Bolus

Candidate:  Mitt Romney

Political Party: Republican

Qualifications: Former Governor of Massachusetts


Stance on Issues

Economy:  Cut spending and make jobs by encouraging economic growth and trade

Energy:  Rapidly develop U.S. natural gas supplies, and natural oil supplies.  Also invest more in nuclear energy.

Education: Revamp education by increasing pay for teachers, eliminating the Federal Department of Education; supports the concept of “No Child Left Behind” and charter schools.

Environment: Supports using Earth’s natural resources like natural gas and oil.

National Security:  Increase military budget and has supported wiretapping mosques.

Abortion:  Pro-life and is in support of de-funding Planned Parenthood and is against stem-cell research.

Immigration:  Should secure the border and stop illegal immigration and is against amnesty for illegal immigrants currently living in the U.S.  Also people should have to carry a card at all times that proves their citizenship and employers hiring should be required to ask for it
