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Student opinions of Comic-Con vary by experience

By Megan Johnson

Imagine, walking into a room the size of a football field filled with hundreds of people. Everyone from toddlers to the elderly seem to be attending. Some chit-chat with fellow fans while others hurriedly attempt to catch a glimpse of their favorite actor. The crowd’s attire ranges from cosplay of a favorite character, to jeans and a t-shirt. Merchandise booths line the area to display commodities pertaining to a certain fandom or business. All of these attributes come together to create the perfect formula for what fans have come to know as, Louisville Comic-Con. This convention is a branch off of the internationally known convention that occurs in California every year.

Senior Hannah Votaw attended the infamous Comic-Con this past weekend. Votaw shared that her experience was brilliant and was thoroughly glad she attended.

“I stayed from start to finish on Saturday, but my sister got tired two hours in and left. However, I got to see Matt Smith, he waved and seemed extremely nice. Plus, I bought a sword.”

She also explained that a major aspect that boosted the overall experience were the booths standing all throughout the area.

“There was all kinds of merchandise there. I saw so many things I couldn’t narrow it down,” said Votaw.

Not only did these stands sell merchandise to the convention goers, but several included simulators in which they could play.

Though some enjoyed the event others would disagree about the hype of Comic-Con, including senior Devon Armbruster.

“Overall, it wasn’t a very good convention. They seemed to focus on the pedaling of merchandise rather than the convention itself.”

Armbruster explained that she had been to several other conventions before this one and was not impressed.

“There are some days that I attended that I wish I hadn’t,” she said.

Though some experienced fans and con-goers were unsatisfied with the experience,some were able to find a happy medium while attending.

“My favorite was probably Karen Gillian’s panel. It was great to hear about Doctor Who and her experience,” said Armbruster.

Votaw concluded with a statement that she believed summed up the entire event, mainly for those who had never attended an event such as Comic-Con.

“It’s just a whole lot of expensive, nerdy fun.”

‘Noah’ succeeds in visuals and acting but fails in story

by Isaac Mathewson

Written and directed by Darren Aronofsky

Starring: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Anthony Hopkins, Emma Watson

Rated PG-13

My rating: C

I have to admit, when I first heard that Darren Aronofsky of Requiem for a Dream and Black Swan fame was doing a Biblical epic based on Noah’s Ark, I had high expectations. It had a good selection of actors and it had a lot of potential to possibly become this generation’s The Ten Commandments. However, when I got to the actual film, I felt that much more could have been done with the story.

Perhaps everyone knows the story: God has had enough of humankind’s evil ways and decides to create a flood to destroy them. He instructs Noah (Crowe) to build an ark to shelter his family and two of every species on Earth in the hopes of repopulating a better world.

Aronofsky has had an interest in the story of Noah since he first became a director because of the amount of survivor’s guilt he goes through. Crowe really shows it with his performance. In this film, he is a man who has a great responsibility, but is also going through a lot of guilt as he and his family are the only people left in the world. There are moments when he loses his mind and even tries to kill his family as he believes that there is no hope left for humankind.

The supporting cast is first rate in this movie. Jennifer Connelly is well casted as Noah’s wife and his sons (the middle son, Ham, is played by Logan Lerman from the Percy Jackson movies) are also very good. There are also several new characters not featured in the Bible such as Noah’s adopted daughter Ila (Watson in one of her best performances to date) and Tubal-cain (played by Ray Winstone), who serves as the antagonist. There are also a group of fallen angels in the form of stone golems known as the Watchers that protect Noah, whose voice actors include Frank Langella and Nick Nolte.

The visuals look stunning in this film. The visuals on the Watchers reminded me of the Ents in “The Lord of the Rings,” and the scenes where the animals come into the ark almost look real. The cinematography is also great to look at, and the surrounding landscapes are breathtaking.

However, put all that aside and everything comes down to the story. While it does show a side to Noah rarely ever seen before, the plot structure is a mess in many areas. First of all, the film at one point takes a dark turn when Noah realizes that there is no hope for rebuilding humanity and that his family should might as well die. Although this shows how full of guilt he is, the end result, without giving too much away, is ridiculous and takes a great deal of depth to Noah’s character. Also, it bears little resemblance to the Biblical story. In the book, all of his sons have wives, but in this version Noah procrastinates in his search for wives for his sons, and in the end he is unable to find any who are good with the exception of one (played by Madison Davenport) and the film just pulls her out just as easily as she came in. If the first half of the film was partially about Noah’s search for wives for his sons, they should have given her a proper role.

Also, Winstone’s character does not have to be in this film. I know he was meant to add a villain into the story and to add tension, but I thought that Noah’s story of survival was more important than his struggle against his enemies.

This movie is not horrible. It has good actors and beautiful visuals, but I felt that there was so much about Noah and his family that could have been explored more. I can tell that Aronofsky put a lot of effort into this movie and I appreciate what he was trying to do. This may disappoint avid fans and scholars of the Bible, but I say that it is worth seeing just for the visuals.

Columnist shares tips on getting fit

By Bryce Romig

With prom season coming up, high schoolers are trying to increase their fitness fast to help them feel and look their best. With all of the weight loss and fitness myths, it can be confusing on where to start. Use these tips to help you get healthy and prom ready in no time.

Tip #1: Drink water consistently throughout the day. Not only will you feel better, but staying hydrated also helps you push harder through your workouts. Although this may sound gross, make sure your urine is a clear or light yellow color. This helps you decide whether you’re properly hydrated or not. Avoid sugary carbonated drinks; instead replace them with tea. Tea is a healthier alternative to soft drinks, and is great for people who don’t like the taste of water. Tea also provides antioxidants that can help get rid of toxins in the body.

Tip #2: Make small changes. Instead of quitting junk food cold turkey, try to make minor changes in your diet. For the first couple of days, slowly get rid of unhealthy snacks and drinks. Limit them to once a day the first week, and slowly cut them out of your diet. Just because you are trying to shed a few pounds doesn’t mean you can’t indulge every now and again. Save your favorite treats and snacks for one day a week, and savor every bite of it when you finally get to eat it. Not only will this make your favorite foods taste even better, but it helps keep you on track and avoid bingeing in the future.

Tip #3: Have a quick and easy workout routine. It’s no secret that exercising isn’t the most enjoyable activity, and is put on the back burner on most people’s agendas. Avoid this by keeping your workouts fast and intense, allowing you to still have free time in your daily schedule. This will also help keep you motivated by limiting the amount of excuses you have to avoid your daily workout. Choose at least one day at week to avoid intense exercising and do something you enjoy. Try going for a walk in the park or going to a local swimming pool. Anything that boosts your mood and gets you somewhat active is never a bad thing. Learn to enjoy exercising; your body will thank you in the future.

Tip #4: Keep track of your progress. Recording your progress with pictures will allow you to see the small changes in your body. Take a picture at the end of each week starting with Week 1, and place them side by side to see how rapidly your body is changing. Not only will this give you a confidence boost, but it will also boost your motivation even more when you see that all of your effort is making an impact. Ditch the scale, though, as muscle mass can sometimes be confused with fat weight and may actually trick you into thinking your gaining weight. Scales are misleading because they aren’t very accurate.

Tip #5: Have fun with it. If you hate lifting weights, don’t do it so often. If you hate cardio, try attending a Zumba or Turbo Kick class instead. Many gyms offer alternatives to traditional exercise, many of which are more entertaining and even fun. Don’t be embarrassed to get your sweat on dancing, either; everyone is in the class for the same reason as you. These classes are still tough, so don’t trick yourself into thinking you’re taking the easy way out. Check your local gym’s schedule to see when the next classes are.

Tip #6: Pile on the veggies. Vegetables are filling foods that provide you with a full stomach with a low amount of calories. Try vegetables rich in iron and vitamins such as kale or spinach. These power foods will also provide more energy to your body, allowing you to increase the intensity of your workouts even more. Your skin will also benefit, thanks to the many vitamins found within the vegetables. If you don’t like chewing your vegetables, try making a green smoothie. Put kale,spinach, and any fruit in a blender and blend until smooth. Try adding agave nectar for added sweetness with limited calories. Green smoothies are a great post workout fuel.

Youth group takes big step toward growing faith

By Rachel Lamb

Students in the youth group at Georgetown Christian Church have been looking for ways in which they can deepen and grow their faith.

Starting on April 20, a project called “Deeper Life” will begin. Throughout this project, students will complete a number of tasks, such as scripture and book reading, journals, devotionals, quizzes, and service projects.

Some of the requirements are considered simple, but others are seen as difficult.

“I have memorized many verses in the Bible and know all of the books in order, so Bible reading will not be a problem for me,” said senior Timon Stermer.

Some students, such as junior Jacob Huntley, said that processing what they read will be difficult.

“The hardest part for me will be mostly with day to day stuff like Bible reading and journaling.”

Huntley added that he has an obligation to fulfill through this and even through difficult times, he will still manage to grow as a Christian.

Youth minister Chris Cowsert shared what he thinks students will struggle with the most.

“They will definitely be challenged with everything that is asked of them during this project, but they have a chance to prove what each of them are capable of.”

Once each student can prove that he or she has grown deeply in their faith, a free five-day trip to Florida during fall break will be given to the ones that fulfill all of the requirements.

“It is not an everyday location, so it is a very big deal to them that going to the beach is the reward,” said Cowsert.

However, a free trip is not all that freshman Kaelyn Gibson wants to get out of this opportunity.

“I want to participate in this because I have gone through some rough times. Honestly, I just want to become closer to God.”

Star struck students unite for Louisville Comic-Con 2014

By Megan Johnson

For anyone interested in spending a day with the one and only “11th Doctor Who,” buying a special edition comic book or meeting a childhood hero, the opportunity has finally arrived.

Comic-Con International is a popular comic book and media convention annually held in San Diego, California. However, a series of miniature conventions are held leading up to this. This is the cause of creating Louisville Comic-Con, which will take place on March 28,29 and 30 at the Kentucky International Convention Center.

Several comic-book fanatics are excited for the event, including sophomore comic book collector Elizabeth Tong.

“I am a lover of comics. So, I think it would be neat to be in an environment like that and just have a good time,” she said. Tong explained that she will not be able to attend the event, but shared what she would suggest doing.

“If I could go, I would take the opportunity to dress up and walk around.”

Not only will current television actors be there, but previous actors such as Jason David Frank from the “Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers,” will be attending the convention as well.

However, Comic-Con is not only a chance to meet a favorite actor, artist or writer, but it is a place to freely socialize.

“I think it’s being able to meet people who share similar interests and sharing the excitement of all shows,” said junior Chelsea Balmer. Balmer shared that she has never attended an event such as this, but is excited to go.

Several events, panels and meets and greets will take place at Comic-Con. Possible events include meeting “Doctor Who” actor Matt Smith or joining in on a panel about the CW’s hit shows, “Vampire Diaries” and “The Originals.” For comic book lovers, an event called “Superheroes, Psychology and Myth,” features superhero experts Danny Fingeroth, Andrei Molotiu, Marco Arnaudo, Ian Fischer and Miles Fuller. As well as booths that allow fans to buy merchandise from a particular fandom or cosplay business.

For more information on the “Louisville Comic-Con”  visit